Friday, October 17, 2008

It's as simple as a phone call...

Let me just say that I agree with the commentary, “Robocalls continue…” which is posted on the Washington Monthly blog page. This observation is in line with how I would like to be informed of uncommon acts.

My blog page is named “evianPolitics” this basically is naïve spelled backwards. I am completely naïve about the world of politics and the blog from the Washington Monthly kept it simple enough for me to understand. So, for all the unfamiliar voters, new voters and just don’t care voters, the translation for the word “Robocalls” is telemarketing. That’s right telemarketing.

I had no idea that this was a tactic for normal political campaigning. I also do not understand why it is allowed, but yet I grasp the idea of how it can be effective. Although there are laws established to keep the “robocalls” in line with restrictions and requirements, but are there laws that restrict what can be said, probably not.

So, the McCain and Palin presidential campaign is now moving into the final stages of their campaign strategy. What is next, door to door sales campaigning? I think their new mission statement should be “by any means necessary”? But we can’t use that because it would mean they were and had been acquainted with the militant group, the Black Panthers. If they are trying to sabotage the Obama/Biden campaign, they may be a bit off target. They are only damaging their own credibility.

I receive enough telemarketing calls already. This tactic of robocalling may work on those who have time to sit on the phone (during dinner, giving the kids a bath, doing homework), but the average voter doesn’t have the time.

Maybe those who are undecided or just not comfortable with the possibility of having an African American president may listen but at some point it just gets old.

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