Friday, October 3, 2008

Who's keeping score...

Here I am rushing home to see the infamous Vice Presidential debate, and not sure if I was impressed, frustrated or bored. Debates have never interested me but neither has politics. This historic time has probably opened a few eyes and minds for the possibility of hope. So, I put my attention to the debate and I’m still not sure who won. After reading the commentary, For Palin, a tie is a win by Ruben Navarrette, I believe he may be on to something. Navarrette pointed out from the beginning that no one really won the debate but it was just a tie. Can we accept this? Vice President candidate Palin, in my opinion new exactly what to say. I mean exactly. She sounded well versed and rehearsed. I understand that the Republican party is catering to the middle class family now but hasn't it been the focus of the Democratic party all along. Palin definitely came prepared. She spoke clearly, directed her attention to Mr. Biden, and even ensured she spoke and made artificial contact to “the people” via the media. No doubt about it, she knew what to say, when to say it and how to say it. She represented the Republican party well. Biden also showed that he was able to stand his ground against Palin. I agree with Navarrette that Biden may have misjudged Mrs. Palin’s ability to debate. Biden also spoke well and knew exactly what to say, when to say and how to say it. He assured he addressed the middle class family, the single parent families, the military families and the Democratic families. He spoke of his tenure and his ability to make decisions and his complete support of his other team member, Mr. Obama. He represented the Democratic party well. So, was this a tie? Both were straight to the point, both were supportive and defensive on their party’s platforms, was this enough for “the people” to decide who won? I partially agree with Mr. Navarrette. I believe both candidates did exactly what they were suppose to do, disagree with one another. On the other hand, I do not believe that anyone won. I have to voice that Ms. Palin laid it on thick and Mr. Biden did not lay it on thick enough. My point is that I consider myself part of the middle class, a single parent, a soccer/athletic mom, and have some military family relations and I still cannot predict who will be best for our country. I was impressed, frustrated and bored during the entire debate. No one won, but who's keeping score.

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