Sunday, November 9, 2008

A Continuous War

War is never something we want to think about on a regular base’s but in this time of conflict; it seems that we have focused more on world war and not national war. I’m not talking about armed war, but all types of wars that can be classified as gang war, political war, family war and many other types of conflicts that result in human loss.

I’m not well versed on the specific facts about why we, the United States of America, is still involved in a war that may never end. A war we assume began when the tragic day of September 11th happened. Are the American people sure this is why we are fighting and still fighting? Was this just a quick answer to the anger we felt or the sadness and hurt we felt after such a catastrophic event.

Do I approve of this war? Should we have involved ourselves with this war? Were we given a choice? War scares me, but yet I believe we have a right to protect our rights, our freedom and our liberty. Everyday there are many people fighting their own wars of life. They are trying to ensure that the future does not entail the same conflicts we have to deal with today. People want life to improve not transgress. We want life to be better for our kids and family. So, does this mean we as a people decide that getting involved in a war that kills more of our kids and family is better? I know this is not as simple as I like it to be but I have to keep it simple because I have to explain the “why” to my children.

The government is protecting its own, just like a mother protects her own, but how far do we allow them to protect us. This is not a straight answer on if I believe we should be in a war we are not sure we should be fighting. If the government is acting in an effort to protect the citizens of the United States of America and if the government has made the decision based on the protecting the interests of its people, I say please continue to protect us to ensure our future generations do not have to encounter such a tragedy . If the United States government is making decisions based on the rights, freedom and liberty of its people, I say protect us. If the government is making decisions on anger, power and just a plain ole spitting contest, I say, we need a new government.

War is never pleasant and it may not be the answer to every problem but if it requires us to make a decision based on the freedoms of America, then …

1 comment:

Trent Liljestrand said...

I agree that the government has a right to protect our freedoms. But I have to say, this will not be the first time that his country has been involved in a war that seemingly had no end. The Cold War, even though it was not a direct conflict between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R., was still a war that no one ever thought would end. Perhaps we are always at war with someone no matter what we do.
A difference between that war and this one is the cause. At least in this war, there was a clear reason to get involved, at least in Afghanistan. 9-11 was the clear cause to the war. In the Cold War, a medley of military and political differences put us at odds with the Russians. The Cold War was one with no clear reason to why it started. Today, the war on terror was a war that started because an enemy of America physically attacked American soil.
And to what was said about that Americans are not sure if 9-11 is the real reason we went to war, I agree. What most people did not understand, or in that case remember, 9-11 was not the first time that radical-Muslim terrorists have attacked America. The World Trade Center was bombed in the early nineties by the same people who would later bring them down. Maybe the reason we did not go to war then is because people wanted to stop the hate that was experienced during the Cold war. We had just ended one massive war, and we did not need another. Although, after that first attack, we did kind of start to fight the enemy. Actually, the US has been attacked by these terrorists in other parts of world, but we never launched a full scale war. 9-11 was a result of the US not caring about a problem until it is too late.
I agree with you that at certain times, the government has to protect us when our interests are in danger. I think that war needs to be avoided, but when the time comes, the American people know that they their government has the power to protect them.